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Our vision:

Believers serving together to draw Muslims to Christ as a united body.

Jesus said, "I have other sheep, too, that are not in this sheepfold. I must bring them also. They will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock with one shepherd."

John 10:16 NLT

Why we exist

Why we exist:

Christ-followers are called to love Muslims, not fear them.

We provide practical resources and training so every believer can be confident in sharing the gospel with the victims of Islam.


Our founders have experienced the transformative love and forgiveness of God, who called them to serve the very Muslims who were persecuting them and killing their friends. Read more of their story here.


What started as a single family serving underground in Egypt to share the gospel with Muslims, the Lord has grown into an international ministry that shares the gospel in over X countries through satellite television, social media, and a secure online Arabic church.

How do we serve

Jesus said,

"I have other sheep,

too, that are not

in this sheepfold.

I must bring them also.

They will listen to my voice, and there

will be one flock with one shepherd."

John 10:16 NLT

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Equipping Believers

how can Christians be ready to share the gospel with muslims? 

Seminars and Workshops

Have Call of Love at your church or small group! Our Co-Founder Samya has inspired hundreds of churches to join this mission field of reaching Muslims.

Practical Resources

We have three publications written specifically for Christians who want to share the light of Christ with Muslims around them. Check out COL Blog for new evangelism and spiritual content every week.

Online Community

We are building a community of believers who want to encourage one another in our evangelism efforts. Join us on Instagram and Facebook as we share tips, stories, and prayer requests!

Evangelizing Muslims

Evangelizing Muslims

how can muslims in closed countries Hear about Jesus?

Satellite and media

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Meet Nadia

Nadia is a young woman from Iraq who found our satellite television station and watched one of our programs that compared Islam and Christianity. She reached out to us with heavy questions: “Is Islam a lie? Have we been living in an illusion for 1400 years? Were all of our lives wasted in Islam?


Our team asked her if she had read any parts of the Bible before. Turns out, Nadia had read some parts of Matthew, Mark, and Luke and knew that Jesus had taken on our sins when he died. She asked us, “Did He forgive everyone’s sins or just the Christians’? I always say, ‘I envy you Christians, because you have Christ who came to save you.’”


Our team shared 1 John 2:2 with Nadia: “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.”


At that point, Nadia was ready to accept Christ as her Lord and immediately prayed with our team member over the phone! Her hunger for the truth only grew after this, and she has joined our online church!

Did you know almost every village in an Arab country has at least one satellite TV? Most homes in the Middle East have a satellite television, because of their one time fee and unlimited access to satellite channels without the danger of censorship like the internet.


In 2017, the Lord gave us the opportunity to start a satellite television channel to reach the Arab Muslim World. We have been broadcasting 24/7 ever since.


Our team specifically produces programs for the young Muslim population, because over 30% of Muslims are under the age of 30! We have series written to help Muslims critically think about their beliefs and introduce them to Christian topics they’ve never considered before.


When a Muslim viewer has questions about what they are seeing, they can easily text the number on their screen through WhatsApp (a secure messaging platform). This puts them in touch with our contact center that is available 17 hours a day to answer their questions and teach them more about Christ.

Empowering the Persecuted
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Empowering the persecuted

How can new christians in islamic countries be discipled?

our online church—A church for the churchless

When a new believer leaves Islam, they are isolated and often cannot safely find Christian community. Especially if they are in an Islamic country, they could be killed for seeking a church to call home.

We built a secure online Arabic church specifically for our Muslim-background brothers and sisters in Christ who are unable to safely attend church. Every week, there are two services for our 750+ church members to learn the Bible, experience live prayer with other believers, and have their questions answered.

Every believer in our church is paired with a mentor who personally supports them on their journey outside of these services.

The Impact

The impact

After 23 faithful years of ministry...

750+ Persecuted Christians

and their families receive discipleship and support every week.

900,000+ interactions

with Muslims seeking the truth about Jesus Christ on our social media and message platforms in 2023.

24/7 Broadcast

of programs that are written specifically for the Muslim mind and heart since 2017.

Hundreds of Churches

have had their hearts opened to answering the Lord's call to love their Muslim neighbor.

550 new believers...

came to Christ through directly talking to our channel's contact center since 2017.

465 Million Arab-Muslims

around the world now have access to the Good News through satellite television and social media.

Ministry Story

Ministry story

Early beginnings | A chance to expand our reach | growing into a global church

Early beginnings

In 1999, the Lord brought Monir and Samya Johnson and their X year old daughter to the United States to escape severe persecution. Monir and Samya had been serving underground in Egypt, proclaiming the gospel and supporting the church, and the Lord called them to continue this work in a new land.


After the devastating events of 9/11, Samya and Monir saw many Americans respond to Muslims with fear and hatred, but also there were many conflicting messages about what Islam truly is. The Lord called them to reveal the truth about Islam to Christians while also empowering them to love their Muslim friends and neighbors instead of fear them.


Call of Love continued to serve as an equipping ministry to churches across the midwestern United States. We published three books of varying depth and study of Islam, had daily spots on radio and television, and hosted seminars and workshops.


Our media team began producing content directed towards Muslims to open their eyes to the truth and introduce them to Jesus. This was published on YouTube, but this came with drawbacks. Many Islamic governments could censor this content from reaching their population, and it was often reported and taken down.

A chance to expand our reach

In 2017, the Lord brought us the opportunity to purchase a satellite frequency to broadcast our programs 24/7 to the entire Arabic world. The fee to have this frequency for one month was $16,000, and we needed it in 3 weeks or the opportunity would pass to the next organization. In the Lord’s providence, He brought us generous partners and donors who supported this new endeavor and made it possible!


This television station brought with it many Muslims hungry for the truth, who would reach out to our contact center and accept Christ as Lord! But we began to see a lack of discipleship and fellowship available for Muslim-background believers.

Growing into an global church

In 2021, after the pandemic had forced many churches to close their doors, our founders’ hearts were touched by the isolation we were all experiencing. They recognized this was just a glimpse into the experiences of persecuted and underground Christians around the world all of the time.


Within X months, our team built a secure online platform to host an international remote church for believers who are unable to safely attend church in their cities. After 3 years, we have 800 families and members attending our two weekly services, and the Lord continues to call more into this body of believers.

Meet our Co-Founders

Meet our co-Founders


Mike, the president of our ministry, is a gospel singer and evangelist. He was born into a true Christian family in Cairo, Egypt. Mike leads the outreach ministry at Call of Love.


His passion for Muslims propels him to communicate the Gospel message in today's language through accessible platforms like Satellite TV and social media.

"I know this ministry is not my kingdom, it is the Lord’s and He chooses to use me to make it happen. That’s why I always pray for God’s wisdom and direction in my life."

- Mike Johnson


Samya, our COO, is from Lebanon. She was raised in a Christian home in the war zone in Beirut. Some of her friends were killed by Muslims. In 1988, God changed Samya's heart to love Muslims and serve them.


Samya hosts our English TV and radio programs. She has authored three books; The Guide to Loving Your Muslim Neighbor, The Simple Truth, and Dare to Explore, all published by Call of Love Ministries.

"If we, as Christians, want to be angry at something, let’s be angry at the religion and ideology of Islam, which is all about death and surely has evil forces behind it. But towards Muslims themselves, we need to be loving and compassionate because most are victims and they are part of John 3:16."

- Samya Johnson

Statement of Faith


That the Holy Bible is the infallible Word of God. It is His holy and inspired Word and that it is of supreme and final authority.
(2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21)


In one God, eternally existing in three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
(Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14)


That Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He led a sinless life, took on Himself all our sins, died and rose again, and is seated at the right hand of the Father as our mediator and advocate.
(Matthew 1:18-25; 1 Peter 1:18-19; Luke 24:36-44)


That Christ rose from the dead and is coming again.
(1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; Matthew 24:29-31)


In a literal heaven for the saved.
(John 14:2-3)


In a literal hell for the lost.
(Revelation 20:14-15)


That all people everywhere are lost and face the judgment of God, and need to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through His shed blood on the cross.
(Ephesians 2:8-9)


In holy Christian living and separation from worldliness and apostasy.
(1 John 2:15-16; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18)


In using every modern means of communication available to us to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.
(Acts 5:42; Romans 10:11&15)

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