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Evangelism guide for Christians living near a large Muslim immigrant population: How to Share the Gospel with Muslims

When Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission to share the Good News in Matthew 28, not all of them left Jerusalem immediately to go as far as they could and tell people outside of their hometown and native country.

In fact, some stayed right there in Israel and in Jerusalem and made sure to preach the Good News to people who lived in the same neighborhood and street as them. Jerusalem was a large city, filled with not only the Jewish people who needed to hear about their Messiah but also Gentiles who either visited or lived there.

So, when modern-day Christians often think of the Great Commission, why do we only think about mission trips away from where we live? Christ told His disciples they would be His “witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

This statement from Jesus shapes a map of where He wants His followers to share the gospel. Jerusalem was the core of where they lived, their home and capital, Judea was referring to the rest of Israel’s land, Samaria as their neighbor, and then the rest of the earth.

As Christians, we all know someone in our direct circle of friends and family who needs to hear the Good News. We also know there are people in our own apartment buildings, in our neighborhoods, and at our jobs who need to hear the Good News. So instead of keeping the Great Commission to overseas missions trips or long-term missionaries, we need to take Christ’s words and obey them every day in the place where we live.

The Church in America has possibly grown complacent in doing this because of the United States’ lasting reputation as a Christian country. People used to assume their neighbors and coworkers had already heard about Jesus. But now, this is not the case. They may know of Jesus or a non-factual version of Jesus that has been shared with them, but they may not have heard the gospel simply and clearly.

Yes, there is a large Christian population in America, but there are also countless people who are not only not Christ-followers, but actually directly opposed to the Bible and Jesus.

The growing Muslim immigrant population in America

This “anti-Bible” sentiment is especially true with the growing Muslim population in America. Surrounding major cities, it is not challenging to find mosques, Muslim centers, businesses, and communities of halal grocery stores and restaurants.

The easiest way to summarize how the Muslim population has grown is by referring to another article from Call of Love (Source):

  • There are almost 3.5 million Muslims in the US today (Source), some say this number is very conservative and there are over 5 million. In the next thirty years, the Muslim population in the USA will more than double. (Source

  • In America, the number of mosques has grown by 31% in the last ten years. Many churches were transformed to become mosques. (Source) (Source)

  • Over 30% of the Muslim population in the US is between the ages of 19-29. (Source)

American Christians should realize that the mission field to share the gospel with Muslims is not just missions trips to Islamic cities or countries – this mission field is in the United States, brought over by thousands of immigrants who are beginning to grow their families here. There are even second and third generation Muslim-Americans who need to hear the Good News.

For Christians who are not used to sharing the gospel with Muslim immigrants, there are practical tips you can use to connect with your immigrant Muslim neighbors or coworkers and share the love of Christ with them.

How can Christians share the gospel with Muslim immigrants?

When befriending Muslim immigrants, be mindful that most likely their entire life revolves around Islam. Unless they are nominal Muslims, which means they are Muslim by name and not strictly devout to the rules and rituals of Islam.

First, there are clear cultural differences between how Muslims live and view life and how anyone who has grown up in Western culture lives. When a Muslim immigrates to a Western country from a predominantly Islamic culture, many things are new for them. Even second or third generation Muslims often feel pulled between their family’s culture, which is often identical to the country they came from, and the Western culture they were born into.

Christians should be welcoming hosts for Muslim immigrants near them

Because of how important hospitality is for Muslims, our mindset should automatically switch into a “guest-host” mentality – meaning Christians who live near a lot of Muslim immigrants are the hosts who should make the first move to welcome them. Muslims are often not going to make the first move to leave their circle and step into a new culture without an invitation.

What does this look like? This means bringing over a gift to welcome new neighbors, initiating conversations when you see each other, and even inviting them over so your families can connect. Bringing two families together is a great way to start building trust, especially if you have children around the same age. Muslim mothers are going to be much more comfortable letting their children play with yours if they have the opportunity to meet the parents and sit down with them.

How can Christians start conversations about faith with their Muslim immigrant friends?

One of the simplest ways to talk about faith and beliefs with your Muslim friend or neighbor is to open up the conversation by asking them first. Show genuine curiosity about what they believe, what being Muslim means for them, and what life was like for them where they came from.

Asking questions to learn where your Muslim friend is in their faith can start conversations where you can share what you believe, but you also will know more about how to pray for your Muslim friend.

How Christians can find Muslim immigrants in their area to share the gospel with

Maybe you don’t have a Muslim coworker or neighbor, but this doesn’t mean you don’t get to share the gospel with Muslims! In fact, in cities with large Muslim populations, it is not hard to find public spots that are popular with Muslim immigrants.

Muslim communities are always going to form around one main thing — the mosque. If you search for a mosque in your city, odds are near it you’ll find Muslim businesses like coffee shops or halal restaurants. These are great places to go and strike up conversations with the baristas, waiters, or other people in line.

If you visit a coffee shop or business near a mosque, you might notice a lot of traffic on Fridays. Muslims have their weekly khutbah (Source) on Fridays at their local mosque, so pray for those you see coming and going from the mosque. Don’t underestimate the spiritual impact of your prayers for those you see as well as to strengthen practicing your evangelism when you are going against the powers of this world.

When you make friends with a Muslim immigrant, you don’t have to worry about them thinking you are too nosy or pushy if you ask about their beliefs and life back home. For you, western culture has taught you that privacy is a core value. Muslims from Islamic countries and communities on the other hand do not prize privacy as much, and are often very open about who they are and what they believe — all you have to do is ask.

For those who are more westernized, you can ask how their religion impacts their life, and what part of the Western culture they have adopted. There are so many ways to connect, just be curious! 

Prayer for reaching Muslim immigrants with the gospel

Dear Lord, thank you for giving me the opportunity to share your love with Muslims in my own city and neighborhood. Please give me the courage to be bold in asking questions and starting friendships, and soften their heart to hear the truth. Amen.

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