Samya's Biography
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Samya's Story
Early Years
Samya was born into a Christian family in Beirut, Lebanon. At the age of six, in Sunday school, she experienced the new birth that Jesus gives. Samya spent her school and college years during the civil war in Lebanon. God saved her from actual death three times. Samya and her family suffered severe losses in that war; many of her friends and neighbors were killed. This left her embittered and terrorized.
God Transforms – During Her College Years
During her college years, God dealt with her brokenness and amazingly she was able to forgive and love the Muslims, who were considered intolerable enemies in her community. Healing took place when the Lord led her to work in a Christian radio ministry. Samya started corresponding with Muslim listeners, answering their questions about Christianity and getting to know them personally. She could see them, for the first time, as people needing Jesus, just like her. Through this ministry, Samya led many Muslims from all over the Arabic world to the Good News of the Gospel. She also helped them in their new journey as followers of Christ.
God is Faithful – The Last Civil Battle in Lebanon
The last civil battle in Lebanon, which took place in 1989, destroyed the office and studios of the radio ministry, so Samya moved with her colleagues to a satellite office in Cyprus to continue the Lord’s work. God expanded her ministry to include writing and presenting hundreds of Christian Arabic radio programs. Samya met her husband in Cyprus. They married in 1992 in Egypt where they lived and served together for seven years before they immigrated in 1999 to the U.S. In Egypt, Samya continued to write and present radio programs. She also translated into Arabic Several English Christian books, which were published in Egypt.
God is Working – The Story God Has Woven
The story that God has woven in the fabric of Samya Johnson’s life is one of His glory shining through a broken believer who humbled herself before God to make His will her own. There are over 300,000 Muslims who immigrate to America each year and almost 1.7 billion Muslims worldwide. Today Samya is heavily involved in training and educating the western church about Islam and how to reach Muslims. With the Lord’s help and the use of television, radio and publications, her ministry efforts include:
Dare to Ask: Samya records daily one-minute radio spots aired on over 30 Christian radio stations in America.
Dare to Explore: Learn about Islam and how to reach Muslims in a 12-lesson Bible study and accompanying DVD series. Dare to Explore is designed for adult Sunday school and Bible study groups.
Dare to Love Muslims: Samya is the host and executive producer of this 30 minute weekly TV program that presents truths about Islam, and equips Christ followers with practical tools to reach their Muslim neighbors. There is no other television program like Dare to Love Muslims now airing to over 700 million households on TLN, CGN and other networks.
The Simple Truth, the Quran and the Bible Side-by-Side: Samya's most recent publication geared toward a younger generation was released August 2013.
The Guide to Loving Your Muslim Neighbor (published in 2019): A practical guide to reach your Muslim friend with the love of Jesus. Includes many helpful resources such as cultural dos and don’ts, 40 questions to ask a Muslim and 60 questions Muslims will ask.
People: My family and Call of Love Ministries staff
Places: Mountains topped with snow, the fireplace in my living room
Music: My husband's Christian Arabic music, Chris August, Kristyn Getty, Hillsong
Reading: Bible in chronological order and missionary biographies
Things that shock me: That God would choose me to serve Him in spite of my weaknesses and shortcomings
Favorite Scripture: Psalm 91- All of it!