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The Deity of each of the three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – is qualitatively the same.

Bible you read, it does have the power to transform your life. Though the structure and the terminology may differ,

Let us look at the biblical definition of this term. The term Son of God indicates origin, a close association, or identification
Dear friend, you and I cannot pay the price for our sins, nor can we do enough good works to save ourselves.
Jesus was crucified for exactly this reason. He was sinless; therefore He was the only person who could be the perfect sacrifice to repair the relationship between God and man.
Abrogation as a legal term means to repeal or abolish a law or agreement.Abrogation in regards to Islam...
While Judaism and Christianity can without doubt claim their origins in Abraham who was chosen by God, Islam does not have the same solid foundation.
One main difference between what Muslims believe about Jesus versus what the Bible teaches is Christ’s divinity.
The Quran defines the characteristics of Allah, and many of those contradict the nature of the Living Triune God we know in the Bible.
A direct side-by-side comparison of the two major Islamic sects, every major topic and belief broken down.
Here is an accurate outline of the Crusades and their historical and religious implications. Many Muslims think the Crusades are proof that Christianity is violent - is that the truth?